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Pet Parrot Becomes the Savior for Owner

Pet Parrot Becomes the Savior for Owner

Pet parrot becomes the savior for owner

Parrot Keeps Yelling Owner’s Name in a House Fire that Saved Him

Hearing of the best pets, we came to know about dogs and cats. However, a parrot just saved the life of a man in Australia by yelling his name. In a devastating house fire at night when the pet owner Anton Nguyen was fast asleep, his pet parrot started yelling his name. Even before the smoke detectors in the house got the smoke and alarm started, the parrot took immediate action. 

When Nguyen woke up by the continuous calling of his pet the time. He mentioned that “I heard a bang and Eric was yelling my name. Right at that time, I could smell the smoke. In the rush I got Eric, grab my bag, and took stairs to get out of the facility.”

The fire was at the backside of the house. The service inspector from Queensland Fire and Emergency service Cameron Thomas mentioned that the parrot cleverly aware and alarmed his owner by keep calling his name. It caused him to get out of the house in time and saved his life for sure. 

The firefighters did not find any reason or lead to the cause of the fire breakout. However, the team successfully controls the fire flames to spread to other houses in the street. The situation was under control soon and turnout to be safe for everyone. 

It is not for the first time that a pet reported helped and saved the life of the owner. has been covering a number of stories coming from the pet world where the pets have been helping their owner. Until now, we know dogs as efficient and helping pets for humans in many cases. However, right now parrots are allows proving to be the best pet of all time. 

According to cute parrots it’s all about training and caring for the pet that eventually reacts proactively in the situation of danger to alert and alarm the owner. It turns out to be an efficient and worthy investment by caring for the pet to have a safer home. Along with many technology gadgets, the pets can give better security response. Many pet animals such as dogs, cats, and even hens act as a security system for the house in many cases. The affiliation of a pet with the house can actually cause such wonders at the time of need. 

About Cute Parrots 

Cute Parrots bring the best of information about parrots, their care, cages and more. here one can find everything about parrots, selecting the breeds, care, food, and more.

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