Regenerative Leadership Institute is a leading sustainable living and permaculture school with over 250 thousand students in more than 190 countries across the globe. As part of the institute’s drive for sustainable living and passion for making the world healthier and cleaner, the school has released a new online course titled the Graywater course, where the safe and effective use greywater was explained in clear terms.
Graywater is water that has been previously used in the home for a particular purpose, and which is allowed to flow away down the drain. Therefore, greywater is perceived as wastewater. However, research has shown that greywater can be reused mainly as a permaculture tool for plants and soil, helping to increase yields from the site. The technicality involved in harvesting and reusing greywater has somewhat led to many people avoiding this route. Consequently, Regenerative Leadership Institute has come up with a comprehensive greywater reuse guide that details what it is, where it comes from, how it is used, and why it is essential.
The self-paced online course is particularly helpful to gardeners and health-conscious consumers looking for a safe and efficient way of making good use of the water that flows from the kitchen, laundry, and bathroom. The course also teaches how the water can be harvested and the tools needed to make the right choice of greywater system for the homeowner, the property, and the purpose of collecting the water.
Some of the several skills to be learned in the course include:
• Discovery of the potential uses of greywater on a permaculture plot
• The benefits of reusing greywater for the home, garden and the wider landscape
• Recognition of some of the possible constraints of a greywater system
• Tips for integrating greywater into an ecosystem
• Understand how different behaviors can contribute to water conservation
The contents of the course include one full year of an eBook of the course, access to video animation, an audio-only recording of the course, summaries for each section, and quizzes to test the knowledge of the student.
The Graywater course also comes with two bonuses – Essential Guide To Greywater Systems eBook and Ultimate Permaculture Manual eBook.
The course is available on the website for gardeners and persons that care about their health.
About Regenerative Leadership Institute
Regenerative Leadership Institute is an online platform dedicated to teaching sustainable living and permaculture design by providing a wide range of easy to understand online courses and guide. The institute currently has over 250 thousand students scattered across the globe in over 190 countries.
Media Contact
Company Name: Regenerative Leadership Institute
Contact Person: Sarah Michelson
Country: United States