DALLAS, TEXAS, December 22, 2016 — Some of the latest statistics from Jack Covert, CEO of 800CEO READ show that there are about 11,000 business books published every year in the U.S. This figure does not include self-published print or eBooks and besides that, there are tens of thousands increasing exponentially every year!
The new bestseller from Debbi Dachinger and Viki Winterton, PR Magnet: Create Best-Selling Books and Attract Free Radio Interviews shares with authors how to make their book stand out from the competition so it is published, purchased, definitely noticed, and that they are seen as experts and sought after for media spots, interviews, articles, speaking engagements, etc.
In PR Magnet, authors will discover how to get known as the expert, how to get their book done easily, how they can make big money before a single word is written, and how to bridge the gap between publishing and promoting their work to bestseller and beyond. Also covered is how to attract the media, how to get asked on radio and how to interview elegantly.
Once the author knows how, just a few of the benefits they will be able to cash in on are: generating more leads, closing more deals, charging higher fees and starting their speaking career or getting better speaking engagements. Actually publishing a book propels the author into getting known as an expert in their field, brings them business credibility and provides brand clarity and distinction.
Debbi Dachinger is a media personality, the founder and author of Dare to Dream radio show and book, a #1 international best-selling author, an award-winning syndicated radio host, a popular media guest, keynote and motivational speaker, visionary, award-winning actress and singer, professional voice over artist, and a certified coach with clients worldwide who seek her inspired wisdom on how to articulate what they do out in the world, and succinctly message themselves and their business to get big results.
Viki Winterton is the publisher of the award-winning PUBLISHED! Magazine, founder of Expert Insights Publishing and Bestselling Authors International Organization, Write Now! Broadcast and Write Away, Write Now! – the global community where writers find everything they need at each stage of their journey. Viki is also a #1 international best-selling author, global radio host, international speaker and media magnet.
Debbi Dachinger and Viki Winterton are available for interviews.
PR Magnet: Create Best-Selling Books and Attract Free Radio Interviews is available on Amazon.com.
Book preview: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MSY20V3
CONTACT: Pam Murphy
Expert Insights Publishing
Debbi Dachinger: http://www.amazon.com/Debbi-Dachinger/e/B006AWVWOU
Viki Winterton: http://www.amazon.com/Viki-Winterton/e/B009QBS52O
PHONE: 214.336.7972
Email: editor@getexpertinsights.com
Media Contact
Company Name: Expert Insights Publishing
Contact Person: Pam Murphy
Email: editor@getexpertinsights.com
Phone: 214.336.7972
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Country: United States
Website: www.amazon.com/dp/B01MSY20V3