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Budget war enjoins Americans to demand $1000 or more from President Barack Obama

Budget War enjoins Americans to demand $1000 or more from President Barack Obama to help everyday Americans dig their way out of the devastating financial mess caused by recession.

All American citizen elected President Barack Obama for two 4-year terms. They trusted him to lead the nation out of the Great Recession, the worst economic downturn since the 1920s. They had faith in him to look after all the citizens of this country, not just the lucky few that happen to head up corporations or work on Wall Street.

Instead, some Americans stood by and watched him use his executive powers to spend trillions of dollars bailing out the big banks who directly caused the financial crisis, while the rest of the people were losing their homes, jobs and any security they once enjoyed. President Obama even used his executive powers to commute the sentences of 673 federal prisoners. Yet Americans are still waiting for him to fulfill his promises to them.

Millions upon millions of Americans, the ones who voted him into office, are still suffering from the financial crisis that initially rocked the world in 2008, a crisis that could have been avoided had those leaders not been in the pocket of big money. This crisis was caused by criminal greed on the part Wall Street and the perpetrators are the ones being taken care of, not the citizens of this country. This has to STOP NOW!

Please join budget war in demanding president Barack Obama use his executive power for once to help everyday Americans dig their way out of this devastating financial mess. All we’re asking is that he issues a stimulus check of $1,000 or more to every Americans. It’s the very least he could do at the end of his presidency.  

Although this money is not going to make anyone to be rich, but it will relieve a tremendous amount of stress while stimulating the economy. And there is the added bonus of creating happy moments in millions of families as Americans continue to work their way out of the uncertainties of this global crisis.

About Budget War

Budget War is an American-based non-profit platform dedicated to bringing financial equality for Americans at all levels. Its membership is comprised of like-minded American citizens who stand for the truth and speak in one voice for the financial liberty of the American people. Budget War was founded in the face of deep unending recession and financial suffocation in the American Economy. Budget War has now grown into a Nation-wide movement.

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Media Contact
Company Name: Budget War
Contact Person: Mussa M. Lema
Phone: (415) 440-1747
City: San Francisco
State: CA
Country: United States