Manhattan, New York – March 5, 2018 – A Charitable Society, Caritas-Goa collaborated with NeoDocto Foundation and joined hands with Madhukar Sanneerappa, the Global President and CEO of NeoDocto Inc. to support ‘NeoDocto Malaria Eradication Programme’ in Goa. Madhukar said that Fr. Maverick Fernandes, Director of Caritas-Goa appreciated NeoDocto malaria initiative and informed that NeoDocto Malaria Eradication Programme will make a huge difference in reducing the impact of malaria disease and save more lives.
Almost half of the world’s population is at risk of malaria disease. It has been a major problem in India from several decades. Health education and awareness to end malaria will save millions more lives, mostly pregnant women and children. However, despite tremendous efforts and progress, malaria remains one of the major reasons for the death of children under five and is a major cause of poverty. The ‘NeoDocto Malaria Eradication Programme’ fights against malaria and aims to reduce the impact of the disease on human beings.
Caritas-Goa is a charitable Society/Organization of the Archdiocese of Goa. The Society strives to serve the poor, the needy, the oppressed, the differently abled, people living with HIV/AIDS, the marginalized and the victims of natural and manmade calamities. It takes up issues and addresses concerns related to the welfare and the upliftment of the downtrodden, social outcasts, etc. Caritas Goa, though humble in its origins, has been impressive in terms of reaching out to the needs of the people. The collaboration with NeoDocto Foundation provides a great support to Caritas-Goa and opened more opportunities in improving the healthcare of the poor people in Goa.
A philanthropist and an entrepreneur, Madhukar Sanneerappa strives to improve social healthcare and community health. NeoDocto digital healthcare platform represents his expertise in technology and NeoDocto Foundation demonstrates his social responsibility towards global health. NeoDocto Foundation has made healthcare services affordable to everyone and shows the commitment to build a healthy society.
Madhukar informed that NeoDocto foundation continues to work towards the improvement of public health and minimize the impact of global diseases. NeoDocto Foundation investments in ‘NeoDocto Malaria Eradication Programme’ and health education have demonstrated a significant growth in quality healthcare services and awareness on global disease. The sustained progress and collective effort from everyone will help to build global healthcare community and reduce the impact of malaria disease to save more lives.
About NeoDocto:
NeoDocto is a digital healthcare platform evolved to serve the global population with a wide range of healthcare services on a finger tap away through mobile app. It aims to educate and create awareness on healthcare through digital healthcare services. NeoDocto strives to provide the next generation healthcare services and aims to build a complete digital healthcare platform. It is headquartered in New York, USA and operates in 81 countries all over the world. The primary objective of NeoDocto is to make healthcare services affordable, accessible, anytime, anywhere.
For more information, please visit https://neodocto.com/
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