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Liv3 Chat, Exclusive Client Interaction App for Lawyers and Attorneys, Launched

Early birds tend to get the prize before others, and that’s no less true for lawyers, attorneys and legal assistance websites. Website live chat allows you to engage with your websites visitors in real time making it easy for your website visitors to engage with you and begin the conversation about their needs with your firm.  Liv3 Chat is a free, self-operated website live chat platform, equipped with a chat bot, push notification alert system, and all essential features.

Consumers seeking legal help usually sign up with the first attorney they come into contact with. Legal consumers typically have a need to act quickly and website live chat delivers.  Designed especially for lawyers, attorneys and legal services websites, Liv3 Chat will boost engagement and improve online conversions by bringing the first mover advantage of marketing. Client users will grow their practice, improve ROI on digital marketing and stay connected all the time through push notifications, contact forms, email alerts, extensive statistics and more.

Faster than email and more efficient than the phone, Live Chat is the new way of conducting legal business. It’s easy to get started and our system can integrate into just about any website regardless of who built it or what platform is powering it. In most cases, signup takes less than 5 minutes – simply add our widget code to your website and you’re ready to go. The service is compatible with all popular website management platforms such as WordPress, Joomla, WIX, Typo3, Drupal, Contao, OS commerce and more.

Among the features, Liv3 Chat offers a built-in chat bot that can be programmed to answer common queries and doubts. The chatbot keeps the visitor engage until the attorney picks up the chat. Users can create multiple departments and associate operators to categorize and direct visitors to relevant personnel. The app retains chat histories for 30 days and can handle up to 12 active chats.

Analytics show only a very small percentage of website visitors will reach out and contact a business. A Live Chat feature on your firm’s website changes all of that! Liv3 Chat is the ideal click-to-chat marketing solution to improve a low-conversion website and improve your client intake conversion percentage.  Legal and attorney firms, free signup with no contract or credit card required. 


Liv3 Chat allows all lawyers and legal websites to add a premium self-operated live chat service to their website (for free) and setup is super easy taking less than 5 minutes (in most cases). Live chat will get you closer to your website visitors – allowing you to increase engagements and conversions while also improving customer satisfaction on your website.

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Media Contact
Company Name: Liv3 Chat
Contact Person: Joe Mendoza
Email: Send Email
Phone: 612-466-0687
Country: United States