New York City – 28 Jul, 2017 – The iconic artist and filmmaker who many have been calling this generation’s Andy Warhol has a sold out solo show at the SepiaEYE Gallery in Chelsea area of New York City that has been drawing large crowds of enthusiastic fans to meet Marko Stout and see his latest work. Many of the artist’s subjects in current exhibition appear in a routine manner that confuses and alienates at the same time- the myths of everyday life. A myth where the desires and fates of the individual disappear into the mass – making the artist very popular with today’s millennial generation.
His current exhibition includes a series of vibrant aluminum prints and film projections- that typify Stout’s greatest works, where the female subjects appear drawn inwardly to melancholy with a look that is spiritually broken. Stout selects subjects are rooted in everyday life and mirror contemporary urban reality. No doubt Stout is putting himself and the viewer on the same level as the models and subjects he observes. Marko Stout’s works seem to mirror the changes in todays’ society and their influence on personality with the individual disappearing into the mass- while exposing the myths of everyday life.
It’s Marko Stout’s treatment of his downtown New York subjects, his versatility and extreme popularity with today’s youth that have media giants like the Paper Magazine, Chicago Tribune, Artworld Today and others labeling Stout has the next Andy Warhol and comparing his style to Jeff Koons, Milo Morie and even Roy Lichtenstein. In fact, the Huffington Post ran an article last spring entitled, “Is Marko Stout the Next Andy Warhol?”.
This summer fortunate art enthusiasts have the chance to check out the artist’s latest works in a solo exhibition at The SepiaEYE Gallery, co-sponsored byMadatart, LLC and MSE. The SepiaEYE Gallery is located at 547 West 27th Street, 608, New York, NY 10001.
Additional details, exhibitions, highlights and samples of the artist’s work are available on Marko Stout’s official website www.MarkoStout.com.
Media Contact
Company Name: MSE
Contact Person: Public Relations
Email: info@mse.nyc
Phone: 212-390-1165
Address:12 W. 24th Street
City: New York
State: New York 10001
Country: United States
Website: www.MarkoStout.com