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Monspace is organising a 3 day 2 night Team Building trip to Pulau Langkawi.

This year, Monspace showed great business growth and has won the recognition of our clients. This is possible only because of the relentless hard work and unity among all company staff.

To show our appreciation, Monspace is organising a 3 day 2 night trip for all to Pulau Langkawi. This is a great opportunity for all to relax, unwind, and bond.

We’d like to once again thank all staff members for your hard work and dedication. In future, let’s continue to work hand in hand, creating a brighter future for Monspace!

Dato Sri Jessy Lai have always believed that the success of a company is dependent on how “people-centric” it is. Founder of IBM Thomas Watson Sr. once said: “Putting people first and respecting employees is the key to success.” I agree completely, and have always strived to build a people-centric enterprise.

“In the 4 years that Monspace has existed, my team and I have gone through a great many ups and downs together. But no matter what happens, we stayed committed and united. I see and appreciate the hard work of everyone, and am truly thankful for it,” said Lai

It’s because everyone harbours a dream for Monspace to grow, that we fill out schedule with projects and meetings. To allow everyone some time off, Monsapce have planned a short 3 days 2 nights trip for all the employee to Langkawi, so everyone can unwind!

“During this trip, every employee had a good time and a great deal of fun. The satisfied smile on their faces warms my heart.Thank you again for your hard work, you’ve done a great job! I hope this trip has given you great memories. Thank you!” said Lai

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