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Monspace Multinational Corp CEO Dato’ Sri Jessy Lai attended Exercise Medicine Conference

Experts from 25 nation’s met in Langkawi from 19th to 21st November sharing research findings on the conclusive evidences that confirm Exercise in prescribed form has positive impact in reducing the effects of NCD’s.

Against the backdrop of convincing evidence, the conference concludes through its resolution themed “Langkawi Declaration on Exercise Medicine (LDEM)” a “Global Action Plan for combating Non communicable deseases (NCD)”.

The action plan invokes multistake holder engagement across nations.

The roadmap proposed through the LDEM is as follows.

1. The formation of a Global Expert group within the umbrella of World Congress of Exercise Medicine (WCEM) to formulate the global action plan. WCEM is the blody to be formed to implement the vision as guided by the LDEM.

2. To setup a permanent secretariat of WCEM in Malaysia to coordinate the working of the expert group.

3. To create the mechanism for collaborative research.

4. To enable exchange of research findings and enable disemmination of findings in a dedicated journel to be published by WCEM

5. To set standards and global portocols for the safe and ethical practice and promotions of Exercise as part of Medicine

6. To engage international organisations like WHO to promote the advocacy of the philosophy of WCEM.

7. To create multistake holder ecosystems globally for community wellness, with sustainable long-term programmes advocating Exercise as Medicine.

8. To develope training methodologies and contemporary scientific and evidence based curriculum for the training of Exercise Therapist and Exercise Physiologist.

9. To engage corporations and governments to combine resources in implementing grass root educational empowerment porgrammes using Exercise Medicine towards enhancing community wellness and combating the issue of NCD prevalence.

10. To organize annually a meeting of global experts, government and corporate leaders to share views and experiences in their continuing fight against the epidemic of NCD’s

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