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Mystery Artist and Musician Ezmusgita Sends Out Cryptic Message, Sending Fans into Wild Speculation

Mystery Artist and Musician Ezmusgita Sends Out Cryptic Message, Sending Fans into Wild Speculation

January 23, 2020 – There is gossip in the air, and her name can be heard in hushed tones in social forums. Some say she has traveled into her past life and returned to convey messages, but only through music. Ezmusgita is the name to remember and search online.

A cryptic message has arrived from an unknown address with mention of a frozen lake and the 9th circle. It says: The ice-cream is ready, and Ezmusgita will be released her latest musical project and artwork soon.

Ezmusgita has been rumored to be many things at once. Some eyewitnesses have seen her as a presiding priestess in a Freemasonic lodge meet. A music fan recalls that she had once collaborated with the artist Poppy, but the latter doesn’t remember any of it.

As per musical records, in 2009 Ezmusgita has released some musical works that carried references to conspiracies. Her social media profiles have been seen on multiple platforms, with visuals suggesting cult membership.

Funnily, Ezmusgita once appeared online and said that she was an ice-cream waitress at the 9th circle of inferno (hell). A little research reveals that the Italian poet Dante’s famous work ‘Divine Comedy’ features Nine Circles of hell. The 9th one is that of Treachery and it’s a frozen lake, but Ezmusgita hasn’t elaborated on whether she made ice-cream from the same lake.

Some old art lovers remember Dalston VFD as a project Ezmusgita had appeared on. No matter what, the coming few weeks or months will reveal what Ezmusgita is and her message to humanity. Stay tuned.

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