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NEXT Launches IEO For Its Native NEXT Token

NEXT has launched its IEO for the NEXT token, with a total of 2.5 million to be sold. The sale will take place across two platforms: NEXT.genesis, the native IEO launchpad and project crowdfunding platform of NEXT, and P2PB2B. The sale will take place over 4 rounds, ending on February 28th, 2020.

Reason And Purpose For The IEO:

Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs) are a democratic and legitimate method for decentralized project financing. IEOs are hosted by digital asset exchange platforms that assist with marketing, investor onboarding and managing the crowdfunding process. In general, IEO’s carry a greater sense of trust and security.

The NEXT IEO will utilize its own launchpad, NEXT.genesis, in combination with the P2PB2B digital asset exchange.

The goal of the IEO is to acquire funding to amplify operations in terms of development power, build upon its product ecosystem, and scale operations to move forward in achieving its business goals and generating revenue at a faster pace.


The supply of circulating NEXT is currently around 4,000,000. The maximum supply is 30,300,000 and will be reached through mining (PoW) and staking (PoS) over a period of 15 years.

Note: One NEXT Masternode requires 25,000 NEXT. The Masternode network counts more than 100 nodes as of now, meaning that more than 2,500,000 NEXT is not in active circulation. There is no lock in place on Masternodes. However, withdrawing one’s Masternode collateral resets the seniority bonus (distributed every 125 days +/-) entirely.

NEXT has both a marketing and development fund, which will be used to build and promote the company respectively over the course of the next several years.

A total of 2,500,000 NEXT has been reserved from the team development funds for the IEO.

NEXT IEO Information:

Start Date: January 20, 2020.

End Date: February 28, 2020.

NEXT available for sale during IEO: 2,500,000 NEXT (split across two IEO Launchpads).

Private distribution or OTC deals: None, all OTC requests have been rejected over the last two years.

Approximate Targets And Allocation Of Funds:

Onboarding of additional developers (6): approximately 500,000 EUR/year. (soft cap)

Acquisition of EMI (Electronic Money License) to provide its users with access to traditional banking infrastructure: approximately 750,000 EUR.

Acquiring applicable regulatory licenses for continuous operations: 50,000 EUR

Acquisition of data center in the Netherlands for mining, scaling, and data operations: approximately 1.2M EUR, 500,000 EUR of which is used to acquire physical data center facility (real estate).

Partial acquisition of licensed stock exchange broker with applicable licenses: approximately 500,000 EUR, which will provide NEXT with the ability to onboard securities and trade traditional financial instruments.

Further expansion and regional official launch in Russia, the USA, the Middle East, and Asia.

Visit the IEO page for more information.

Media Contact
Company Name: CoinAds Ltd.
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Country: United Arab Emirates