Ordinary Heroes is a six part, Florida-based American television series, and is being produced with an inspiring cause of profiling the amazing work public school teachers do on a daily basis. The series will air in the Fall of 2019 on WDSC TV, Daytona State College’s channel on the 800,000 subscriber Spectrum cable network. Moreover, the show has been produced and directed by Daytona State College Senior Professor Eric Breitenbach and it is currently being crowdfunded on Kickstarter to raise funds and support.
“We are currently seeking to raise $29,750 in funds for post-production expenses, including a series editor, transcriptions, logs, graphics and storage,” said project director Eric Breitenbach, while introducing it to the Kickstarter community. Moreover, the upcoming television series has more than sixty hours of footage and interviews, which will need to be compressed into three hours final video with a twenty-to-one ratio.
The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at:
www.kickstarter.com/projects/ordniaryheroes/ordinary-heroes-0?ref=user_menu and backers from around the world can become a part of this project by making generous pledges and donations. The project offers a wide range of rewards with nationwide shipping across the United States. Moreover, backers making pledges of $100 or more may choose from among twelve original artworks by Producer/Director Eric Breitenbach himself. More details are available on the Kickstarter campaign page of the project.
About Ordinary Heroes
Ordinary Heroes is an upcoming six-part television series that will profile three amazing teachers. The project is currently being crowdfunded on Kickstarter and it is already getting a great response worldwide. Moreover, the series will also be offered to other public, broadcast, and cable television channels.
Media Contact
Contact Person: Eric Breitenbach
Email: Send Email
Phone: 407-437-5384
City: Ormond Beach
State: Florida
Country: United States
Website: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ordniaryheroes/ordinary-heroes