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Ponev Offers Expert Decontamination Solutions to Eliminate Covid-19 from Environment and Stop Cross-Contamination

The Covid-19 crisis has woken up the world to new threats and risks present in the environment. California based Ponev, the expert in disaster clean-up and disinfection, is pleased to offer its range of products to keep premises clean of the coronavirus and other microbes. Eliminating Covid-19 and surface disinfecting are the biggest priorities of today for which Ponev offers its expert made products.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is known to remain alive on the surface from hours to days. The solutions to eliminate the virus from the environment are at hand and available. Ponev is a leader in supplying technology, equipment and supplies for cleaning up the environment and preventing infections. Its three leading decontamination and facility cleaning products are the Sani-Fogger, Citra-Cide, a neutral disinfectant cleaner, and Bio Blaster, a UVC pathogen eliminating, plug and play system.

We want to let the world know they have access to reliable and effective equipment and supplies,” said Jack Ponomarenko.

An electrostatic fogger, the SANI-FOGGER is a rapid, high volume ULV fogger that can treat over 10K square feet of space in just 15 minutes. It is also the only fogger that can be used both indoors and outdoors. The device causes no harm to paper or electronics. The Sani-Fogger can eliminate the coronavirus, HIV-1, MRSA, hepatitis B, and numerous other germs. The fogger is flexible and works in spaces where other foggers don’t.

For schools, hotels, clinics and public facilities, CITRA-CIDE is an ideal cleaner and disinfectant. The solution is pH neutral and offers excellent germ killing power, and is safe on waxed and finished floors. The solution also fights against molds and mildew growth.

The Bio Blaster is a power packed disinfector and can kill the coronavirus and other known viruses. Ideal for factories, stores and large facilities, this decontamination device can clean up a massive 50K square feet of space in just 15 minutes. The device is also plug and play.

Ponev supplies List N Disinfectants and EPA registered disinfectants, and decontamination products made by experts in the disaster cleanup domain. In these times of crisis, Ponev is committed to doing its best to save the world by preventing cross-contamination. 


Ponev offers technology, equipment, & supplies for environmental cleaning & infection prevention. Our products were developed by leading disaster clean-up & decontamination experts, aiding in disaster site cleanup and deccontamination.

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Media Contact
Company Name: Ponev
Contact Person: Jack Ponomarenko
Email: Send Email
Phone: 3105620334
Address:980 Enchanted Way
City: Simi Valley
State: California
Country: United States