Big dreams and big risks define Cleveland-based recording artist Meghan Walsh’s career path. Walsh has been singing for as long as she can remember and has never given up on her goal of being a full-time musician.
“When I was in the first grade, I went as a diva for Halloween,” Walsh said. “I’ve never not wanted to be a singer. There’s a common Facebook post that asks ‘what would you be doing right now if you’d followed your childhood dreams?’ and the responses are so sad. Giving up on mine is not an option. I want to make that little girl proud.”
Walsh recorded her first single, “If You Stick Around,” when she was just 14 years old.
“I really created that whole relationship and situation in my mind,” Walsh said. “Some of the lines are clichés and others are cheesy. It’s definitely not my best song but I’ll always hold it close to my heart because it’s the first song I ever released. Also, my dad plays it all the time. He still shows it off to friends and coworkers. He’s so proud and it’s very sweet.”
When asked about the most memorable thing she has done as a singer, Walsh showed no hesitation with her answer.
“I sang the national anthem for a Cleveland Guardians game in August of 2012,” Walsh said. “I was 15 and terrified. I shook the entire time and my voice cracked from the nerves. It’s been almost 10 years and I can sing that song now with no problems whatsoever because I’ve done it so many times for various sporting and military events and also because my vocal range has drastically expanded. So Guardians, if you’re reading this, can I have a re-do?”
Despite the mishap, Walsh said there is nothing she is more proud of than singing for the MLB.
“To be a 15 year old and sing in front of more than 30,000 people is such an accomplishment,” Walsh said. “Regardless of the end result—and, in my defense, I didn’t crack on ‘free’ so I’ve got that going for me—having the guts to do something like that is a big deal, so I’ll always be proud of it.”
Walsh surrounded herself with music growing up, having taken part in choirs throughout grade school and high school, portraying roles in school theater productions and teaching herself how to play piano and the guitar.
“A lot of musicians have parents who are musically inclined,” Walsh said. “They grew up around music and it was passed down to them. Not me. My parents definitely are not musicians, but that makes it all the more special because they fostered my passion, bought me instruments, drove me to auditions and are still the first people I go to when I have a new song idea.”
Walsh said her sister is also musically inclined, but isn’t actively pursuing it.
“She wants to be a surgeon,” Walsh explained. “She’s a great singer, though. I honestly have no idea where we got our talent from.”
Walsh said that many people have compared her to two of today’s most popular artists.
“They tell me I’m a cross between Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood,” Walsh said. “I really don’t see it but I’m not complaining. They’re both so talented so that’s quite the compliment to receive.”
Walsh’s rise as a musician is ongoing as she continues to reach new audiences throughout the world.
“I’ve gone viral on TikTok a couple of times but none of them for musical things,” Walsh said. “I’ve gotten a few thousand followers from it but my strategy is to keep making funny content until I’ve got fans and then be like ‘by the way, I can sing.’”
She has also developed a decent community of fans on Instagram.
“I was really blessed that people enjoyed my content and I had a great social media team helping me when I first started out,” Walsh explained. “I’ve gotten to connect with really talented people and network within the music industry.”
Looking to the future, Walsh has her sights set on success.
“I still have to work and make a living because there’s always a possibility that it will never happen for me,” Walsh said. “I don’t like to dwell on that and I remain confident that someday I will reach a larger audience and be able to work full time performing live and recording albums. I love my current job and I’m doing something I like and am good at but my top priority will always be being a musician.”
Walsh stated that a lot of the money she makes at her 9-5 sessions and photo shoots and other things that make me more appealing to potential record labels,” Walsh stated.
Media Contact
Company Name: Nine4teen records
Contact Person: Jillian Fritsche
Email: Send Email
Phone: 2162502904
City: Cleveland
State: OH
Country: United States
Website: https://www.meghanwalsh.org/