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SamBlogs Laucnhed New Packages to Combat Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Update

“Persistent is the key to SUCCESS in SEO 2018”

Officially, it has been confirmed by Google that a broad core algorithm update was done sometime last week.Google’s Danny Sullivan went ahead and stated that their target is Not Low Quality Websites. Low-quality websites and Signals are not being targeted by Google at all. So you if you have been doing a lots of Low Quality Links, You need not to be worried too much!

In a blog post written by an author at SamBlogs, Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Update remains a mystery. It is no secret that Google performs updates on core algorithms very frequently without official announcements or release notes. In fact, core algorithm updates will occur almost every day and occasionally twice a day.

Around August 1st Google rolled out a Broad Core Algorithm Update on a much larger scale than their previous updates which has garnered much public interest. The problem here is that not much is known about the update, however there are a few things that were observed. According to the author, the new update is essentially an attempt to refine search engine results and yield more relevant content.

Why is this important to me?

If you’re a website owner, then you should always be monitoring the performance of your rankings. By understanding the ins and outs of every update or change, you will have a leg up on your competitors.

Objective Behind Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Update:

An in-depth analysis of the update wasn’t offered by Google. However, there are a number of clues given in this very update. Here are some of the objective of this update:

(A) The main focus or reason behind the update is to give better and more relevant search results

(B) There isn’t all wrong with the sites that lost their rankings during the process.

(C) The improvements done are more focused on the content and don’t have anything to do with the quality of the website.

The blog post provided an in-depth analysis on this matter and has included statistics and concrete proofs of the change. Ultimately, if you’re looking to get a better understanding of Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Update, then consider reading up on the post here.

As a website or business owner, it is a good idea to use SEO services for better rankings if you don’t have the experience to do it yourself. SamBlogs is employed by SEO experts who are very willing to assist you in your link building campaign.

Simply visit their site at and view their SEO packages, or read their blog post to learn more about Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Update.

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