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Using The Pecu Novus Digital Asset Network For Real Estate and Global Business Transactions

Using The Pecu Novus Digital Asset Network For Real Estate and Global Business Transactions
Businesses and individuals are given a digital asset platform that would allow them to perform seamless digital transactions with the safety of a direct escrow system via the Pecu Novus digital wallet and the Megahoot Vault

The Pecu Novus Digital Asset Network “PECU” is providing businesses and individuals globally a few different uses of the innovative and proprietary Pecu Novus Escrow System for cost effective, secure, efficient, quick and transparent transactions. One of the key ways to make the Pecu Novus Digital Asset Network a true value to a business is the utilization of the proprietary escrow system called “The Pecu Novus Escrow System”. It was created to allow businesses to seamlessly, securely, transparently, efficiently and cost effectively conduct business globally where deposits or escrows are not only a necessity but required by other parties.

The Pecu Novus Escrow System in essence replaces a letter of credit or a traditional escrow where fiat currency such as US Dollars or Euros are locked up for a predetermined amount of time. The sending party is basically putting Pecu Novus coins in escrow for the benefit of the receiving party and the transaction, at the end of the transaction the sending party either redeems the coins and sends the receiver fiat currency (US Dollars, Euros etc) or the receiving party can opt to accept the coins as payment for the transaction.

It’s important to know that a normal escrow transaction on the Pecu Novus Network carries zero cost. Both parties are able to verify the transaction as they see it not only within their Pecu Novus digital wallet but they can also see the transaction and the notes attached within the Pecu Novus blockchain. This provides a true level of transparency and comfort when conducting transactions on the Pecu Novus Network.

The public blockchain also allows for either party’s attorney, accountant or staff to view and confirm the existence of the escrow along with the transactional keys. Keep in mind this is not limited to global business but it’s for any type of transaction, commercial or personal.

Here are a few step by step ways to use the Pecu Novus Escrow System:

Import/Export and Global Business

1) Both parties agree to the terms set in their agreement for the transaction, in this agreement the mention of the coins in escrow, the amount of coins and the redemption date is recommended.

2) Both parties open up their Pecu Novus digital wallets at

3) The Buyer is sent the public key of the Seller via email

4) The Buyer then goes to the “SEND COINS” section in their Pecu Novus digital wallet and places the amount, in US Dollars or Coins, in the amount area

5) The Buyer then copies and pastes the Pecu Novus public key of the Seller in the “RECIPIENT PECU ADDRESS” area

6) The Buyer then inputs any transaction note that’s needed to designate this escrow for this transaction, it’s recommended that it’s a code that both parties are aware of. Bare in mind that this will be a permanent item within this transaction block on the public blockchain. That means that anyone can view it.

7) Next the Buyer chooses a date in the “ESCROW” area , this date will be the exact date that the escrow will be released, so make sure it coincides with whatever written agreements that are in place for this transaction.

8) Lastly the Buyer presses send and the Seller needs to accept the escrow by pressing the “ACCEPT BUTTON” for the transaction within their dashboard.

9) When both parties confirm that the export is received then the Buyer either releases the coins out of escrow for the Seller or the Buyer sends fiat currency (US Dollars, Euros etc) to the Seller and redeems their coins back into their digital wallet.

* The safety net for the Seller is that should the Buyer is placing Pecu Novus coins in escrow for the value of the transaction as agreed upon, as long as the exported items are as agreed upon the Seller will then own those coins free and clear. If the Pecu Novus coins are in escrow for partial value of the transaction and the Buyer fails to complete the transaction due to no fault of the Seller then the Buyer faces the real possibility of relinquishing their Pecu Novus coins in escrow to the Seller for nonperformance. The safety net for the Buyer is if the exported items are not as agreed upon they can cancel the escrow and extend it until the Seller fulfills their agreement. Again these terms should be included in any real estate agreement.

* The Pecu Novus Escrow System in essence has the components to replace a letter of credit or a traditional escrow where fiat currency (US Dollars, Euros etc) would be locked up for a predetermined amount of time. The Buyer is basically putting Pecu Novus coins in escrow for the benefit of the Seller and the transaction, at the end of the transaction the buyer party either redeems the coins and sends the seller fiat currency (US Dollars, Euros etc) or the Seller can opt to accept the coins as total or partial payment for the transaction. These terms are recommended to be included in any written agreements for clarity purposes.

Real Estate

1) Both parties agree to the terms set in their agreement for the transaction, in this agreement the mention of the coins in escrow, the amount of coins and the redemption date is recommended.

2) Both parties open up their Pecu Novus digital wallets at

3) The Buyer is sent the public key of the Seller via email

4) The buyer then goes to the “SEND COINS” section in their Pecu Novus digital wallet and places the amount, in US Dollars or Coins, in the amount area

5) The Buyer then copies and pastes the Pecu Novus public key of the Seller in the “RECIPIENT PECU ADDRESS” area

6) The Buyer then inputs any real estate transaction note that’s needed to designate this escrow for this transaction, its recommended that it’s a code that both parties are aware of and is inputted into the real estate purchase agreement. Bare in mind that this will be a permanent item within this transaction block on the public blockchain. That means that anyone can view it.

7) Next the Buyer chooses a date in the “ESCROW” area, this date will be the exact date that the escrow will be released, so make sure it coincides with whatever written agreements that are in place for this transaction.

8) Lastly the Buyer presses send and the Seller needs to accept the escrow by pressing the “ACCEPT BUTTON” for the transaction within their dashboard.

9) On the closing date the Buyer either releases the coins out of escrow for the Seller or the Buyer sends fiat currency (US Dollars, Euros etc) to the Seller and redeems their coins back into their digital wallet.

* The safety net for the Seller is that should the Buyer not conclude the transaction as agreed upon, the Buyer faces the real possibility of relinquishing their Pecu Novus coins in escrow to the Seller for nonperformance. Again these terms should be included in any real estate agreement.

* As with Import/Export the Pecu Novus Escrow System in essence replaces a traditional escrow deposit for real estate transactions where normally fiat currency (US Dollars, Euros etc) would be locked up until the closing date. The Buyer is basically putting Pecu Novus coins in escrow for the benefit of the Seller and the transaction, at closing the Buyer either redeems the coins and sends the Seller fiat currency (US Dollars, Euros etc) or the seller can opt to accept the coins as total or partial payment for the transaction. These terms are recommended to be included in any written real estate agreement for clarity purposes.


1) Both parties agree to the terms set in their agreement for the service or, in this agreement the mention of the coins in escrow, the amount of coins and the redemption date is recommended.

2) Both parties open up their Pecu Novus digital wallets at

3) The Client is sent the public key of the Service Provider via email

4) The Client then goes to the “SEND COINS” section in their Pecu Novus digital wallet and places the amount, in US Dollars or Coins, in the amount area

5) The Client then copies and pastes the seller Pecu Novus public key of the Service Provider in the “RECIPIENT PECU ADDRESS” area

6) The Client then inputs any note for the services to be rendered, its recommended that it’s a code that both parties are aware of and is inputted into the service agreement. Bare in mind that this will be a permanent item within this transaction block on the public blockchain. That means that anyone can view it.

7) Next the Client chooses a date in the “ESCROW” area, this date will be the exact date that the escrow will be released, so make sure it coincides with whatever written agreements that are in place for this transaction.

8) Lastly the Client presses send and the Service Provider needs to accept the escrow by pressing the “ACCEPT BUTTON” for the transaction within their dashboard.

9) On the closing date the Client either releases the coins out of escrow for the Service Provider or the Client sends fiat currency (US Dollars, Euros etc) to the Service Provider and redeems their coins back into their digital wallet.

* The safety net for the Service Provider is that the Pecu Novus coins are for full payment of services to be rendered and should the Client not redeem the coins the Service Provider can directly liquidate the coins in the public market. The safety net for the Client is that should the Service Provider not perform the service then the Client can cancel the escrow for cause until the Service Provider fulfills their service obligation. Again these terms should be included in any service agreement.

* As with Real Estate the Pecu Novus Escrow System in essence replaces a traditional escrow deposit for services to be rendered where normally fiat currency (US Dollars, Euros etc) would be locked up until the service is completed. The Client is basically putting Pecu Novus coins in escrow for the benefit of the Service Provider and the service to be performed. When the services are completed the Client either redeems the coins and sends the Service Provider fiat currency (US Dollars, Euros etc) or the Service Provider can opt to accept the coins as total or partial payment for the service. These terms are recommended to be included in any written service agreement for clarity purposes.

The Pecu Novus Digital Asset Network is expanding its functionality and scalability via the Megahoot ecosystem, this will allow for greater use of the PECU coins as well as giving businesses globally a viable option to traditional methods. Digital assets, whether its Bitcoin or other viable forms of cryptocurrency allow for swifter and more secure transactions to occur seamlessly globally. The Pecu Novus Digital Asset Network is more than a cryptocurrency, it’s a functional network that could be characterized as Crypto 2.0 in many ways.

About Pecu Novus

Pecu Novus is a blockchain technology powered digital asset network that enables parties on the network to conduct instant, zero cost coin based transactions globally. The network provides businesses with the ability to place Pecu Novus coins in escrow for most any type of transaction, such as import/export, real estate, consumer products, manufacturing and much more. As of March 16, 2018 the network is managed by Megahoot, LLC, who overseas all maintenance and future development of the network.

For more information go to or to access the digital wallet go to

About Megahoot LLC

Megahoot is a Technology Company focused on secure private collaboration platforms for business and personal use, incorporating ephemeral messaging, high security, use of cryptography and secure mobility. Products include the Megahoot Vault which is a digital vault for highly secure holding of various cryptocurrencies, loyalty tokens and soon digital documents. With the use of blockchain technology Megahoot will be venturing into various industries from smart homes to health care and more utilizing its blockchain technology platform that will allow corporations globally to create dedicated blockchain networks for their businesses for everything from accounting, logistics, supply chain management, security, education and much more. Megahoot LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of FGA Partners.

For more information on Megahoot please go to

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Company Name: Megahoot LLC
Contact Person: Media Relations
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Country: United States