For those who need access to some online developer tools, want to know the best Android libraries, or wish to go through a plugin review, there is good news. Tldevtech.com, a newly launched site, is now offering all these different posts. With it, there is no need to keep searching for different technology topics using Google.
It is dedicated to cater to the needs of all those who are into the field of Web development, mobile app development, and video games, either professionally or habitually. The Home page itself is well organized to show links to different informative and analytical posts.
All these posts are split into five categories namely, Video Games, Web Development, Mobile Development, Mobile, and Technology. A few of these topics seem to be overlapping but they do have distinct and dedicated topics.
For example, the Mobile Development category has posts on Android libraries, while the Mobile category contains articles regarding cheap Android phones for development and new 2018 iOS apps.
There is an interesting section on the right side of the Home page, which is dedicated to new products and online development tools. The new products have links to new games and apps for both iOS and Android. This is truly intriguing for all fans of mobile apps and games.
According to a spokesperson, “This portal is yet in its evolving phase. We are yet to make it fully comprehensive by adding more fields of technology such as desktop programming, scripting, and testing. However, we are planning to do this step by step by comprehending the surfing behavior of our visitors at present. Our target and their requirements need to go hand in hand. This is our strategy to boost awareness about technology.”
About TL Dev Tech
TL Dev Tech is an evolving portal dedicated to Web and mobile technologies. It aims to share information in the form of reviews, guides, and top 10 lists related to the fields of video games, Web development, and mobile app development.
For more information, kindly visit http://www.tldevtech.com/.
Media Contact
Company Name: TL Dev Tech
Contact Person: Stanley E. Quintanilla
Email: Send Email
Phone: 847-912-6855
Address:1126 Oak Avenue
City: Chicago
State: Illinois 60631
Country: United States
Website: http://www.tldevtech.com/