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An Aspiring American Filmmaker launches Kickstarter Campaign for his Dreams!

Now Seeking Community Support via Kickstarter, Matthew Hyatt is a Passionate Filmmaker Who Wants to Quit His Job to Become a Full Time Traveler/Filmmaker!

Matthew Hyatt is an aspiring American filmmaker, who wants to live his dreams by traveling across the United States and making films. Matthew is currently stuck in a car business and he wants to quit his job. Therefore, he is seeking generous community support on the crowdfunding platform of Kickstarter and he is welcoming the online community to help him in pursuing his true passion of filmmaking.

“Help me quit my job and travel the USA, exploring all 50 states and documenting in filmand photo America’s amazing beauty in a series.” Said Matthew Hyatt, while introducing his project to the Kickstarter community. “Being the 33 year old father and husband I am, I refuse to quit without a plan and put our family at risk.” He added. According to Matthew, this Kickstarter community is his only ray of hope in this darkness and he is heavily relying on all the support he can get with this campaign.

The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at: and supporters from around the world can back this project by making generous pledges and donations. His goal is to raise a sum of $150,000 and he is welcoming everyone for generous support. Furthermore, he is offering great rewards for his supporters with worldwide shipping for backing him in this campaign. More details are available on the Kickstarter campaign page of the project.

About This Project

Matthew Hyatt is an inspiring American filmmaker and a 33 year old husband and father. He is currently stuck in car business and wants to quit his job. His dream is to travel across the US and make films, while sharing the natural beauty of America with the world. In this regard, he is raising funds and support on Kickstarter and he is welcoming everyone to help him in raising funds.

Media Contact
Company Name: Help Me Quit My Job
Contact Person: Matthew Hyatt
Email: Send Email
City: Georgetown
State: Kentucky
Country: United States