“Violence will end in our society when we are all at peace with ourselves. As Mahatma Gandhi, the great peacemaker, said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” We may take important intermediate steps, such as gun control, better identification of at-risk individuals, and improved mental health care. But in the end, each of us must do the work of addressing the anger, fear, and sadness in our own hearts that make us prone to many forms of violence in our relationships.”
Excerpt from Being Catholic in Troubled Times
These are times that try our souls. This book is addressed to all, not just Catholics, who search for deeper meaning in tough times. Our age is marked by division and alienation. We long for some message that will bring peace to our world and our hearts.
This book suggests that the Catholic faith can provide strength in these troubled times. The word “catholic” means “all-embracing, universal.” Nothing is excluded in the catholic mind. The truth that sets us free can be found everywhere, especially in unexpected places. It is often hidden in plain sight. In our darkest moments, we find new light and life. When we are most despairing, a ray of hope shines through.
In addition to defining “catholic,” chapters include Mother Mary, Works of Mercy, Small Acts of Kindness, God’s Temperament, Balance in Unsteady Times, Difficult Conversations, Good Grief, God’s Game of Life, God’s Song, Jesus and Judas, Our Personal Dignity, The Third Pandemic, The Full Life, Peacemaking, Catching Covid, What We Deserve, Cross Words, Everything Is Grace, Sounds of Silence, Respect, and Life’s Joy, among others, including Advent, Christmas, and New Year.
Being Catholic in Troubled Times has been in the top 100 in Amazon’s Catholic self-help category since its release. (currently #67)
Dennis Ortman, Ph.D., has been a clinical psychologist in private practice in the Detroit Metropolitan area for 30 years, specializing in treating those with addictions and those who have suffered the trauma of infidelity. Before becoming a psychologist, he was a Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of Detroit for 14 years. He received a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Detroit-Mercy and a graduate degree in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. With graduate degrees in both psychology and theology, he works with patients on issues at the borderline between psychology and spirituality, employing a mindful approach to therapy.
You can order it from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the MSI Press website. It is also available as an e-book audiobook.
For more information or to contact the author for media commentary, email editor@msipress.com
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