Most of us take our cars for granted. Cars wait patiently in the garage or driveway to ferry us around. They help us take kids to school, get us to work and transport us on our errands.
We make the assumption that the car will always be there and start up immediately. Then, one day, something happens. After inserting the key in the ignition and turning it, all you hear is a “click” and not the reassuring sound of the engine turning over.
Cars will not start or simply cease to function at the most inopportune time. It doesn’t matter how meticulous the vehicle is maintained it will eventually breakdown. Murphy’s Law dictates that when it does breakdown it will an inconvenient time and place such as in the middle of nowhere at 3:00am on a stormy night.
It is times like this you wish you had a cheap roadside assistance plan such as one offered by MCA Motor Club of America. MCA members simply call the 1-800 club number and professional help is dispatched to your location free of charge.
At times like these, the MCA Motor Club of America membership card is more valuable than any other card in your wallet.
Motor Club of America benefits include free unlimited towing, fixing flats, battery charge, lockout service delivery of gasoline and minor repairs.
Membership of only $19.95 a month features $150,000 worth of benefits. These include assistance with attorney fees, arrest bonds, travel plan assistance and $54,000 worth of hospital stay benefits.
With a Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating of A+ MCA Motor Club of America’s cheap roadside assistance plan is the perfect choice to provide peace of mind while driving.
See video here Cheap Roadside Assistance Plans
Media Contact
Company Name: The Bridge Marketing Agency Inc
Contact Person: Keith Hunt
Email: Send Email
Phone: 909-636-4012
Country: United States
Website: http://www.mcamotorclubofamerica.com