Amityville – June 29, 2019 – Chuck W. is a lifelong Musician who went the solo route some time ago. Primarily a Drummer, Chuck faced some physical strife, which forced him away from the kit. Not one to simply stop, Chuck gained a nearly unhealthy infatuation with Synthesizers. This album is the culmination of years worth of material, spanning Chuck’s learning process.
Heavily influenced by LCD Sound System and the Velvet Underground, it’s almost humorous how strikingly ‘New York’ the album is based on Chuck’s own locale. It’s gritty, sometimes dirty and a hell of a ride. As referenced in the liner notes, James Murphy of LCD Sound System fame, was a key source of inspiration due to every Musician’s greatest fear; Aging. Having not dropped the first LCD Sound System album until the age of 32, time was quickly catching up with Chuck. At the ripe age of 31 ½, Get Your Shit Together!, just squeaks this album through the door in time to beat Murphy’s significant benchmark.
With not only a hard deadline to drive him, life stepped in to provide an additional kick in the ass. As he was halfway through mixing the album Chuck was struck in a motor vehicle accident, shattering his right forearm. After being released from the hospital, all that mattered was completing this album.
In only a few days Chuck mixed the remaining 5 tracks one-handed, completed all the album artwork himself and obtained enough random merchandise to muster up a release. Having dropped the album on a random Tuesday whilst bored one morning, Chuck had realized one of his life’s major goal’s with Get Your Shit Together![‘s] release.A little bit weird, a fair amount catchy and a lot of bit Electronic, Get Your Shit Together!, is some of the most honest and down to earth material you’ll hear in 2019.
For more information, promo requests, or to arrange an interview, contact:
Twitter – @ChuckW_Ny
Instagram – @Chuck_W_NY
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/chuck.w.ny.1/
SoundCloud – www.soundcloud.com/chuckwny
Spotify Artist Profile – https://open.spotify.com/artist/31AbYEGiwvr8SoESMzdD6s?si=wLwfYS5xQuStRRhXG6d0Tg
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/c/chuckwny
Media Contact
Contact Person: Chuck Weiselberg
Email: Send Email
Phone: 631 672 9664
Country: United States
Website: https://www.chuckw.com