J.Babylon is a rare and hand-painted fashionable denim jacket that is being launched in an exclusively limited edition. The creators of this remarkably comfortable jacket have recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to raise funds and support for this jacket, and they are welcoming everyone to generously participate in the fundraising.
“We are introducing a pure hand-painted lion pattern in this oversize denim jacket and it fabric originates from Kojima denim in Okayama.” Said the spokesperson of J.Babylon, while introducing this jacket to the Indiegogo community. According to the spokesperson, this jacket is soft, comfortable, washable and wear-resistant for a durable life.
In addition, the goal of this recently launched Indiegogo campaign is to raise a sum of $40,000 and the company is offering these jackets in a limited edition. The number of each size available in this campaign is also limited and the denim is made from 100 percent Zimbabwe cotton, which is dyed with special dyeing technology and traditional knitting techniques.
The Indiegogo Campaign is located on the web at:
www.indiegogo.com/projects/j-babylon-rare-hand-painted-denim-jacket-design-clothing and supporters from around the world can back this project by making generous pledges and donations. For a pledge of only $219, the brand is offering this jacket as a reward with worldwide shipping. Furthermore, this project is already creating a major buzz in the fashion circles and more details are available on the Indiegogo campaign page of the project.
About J.Babylon
J.Babylon is an emerging fashion brand that is proudly introducing the most amazing denim jacket of all time. This highly comfortable and durable denim jacket is currently being crowdfunded on Indiegogo and the company is welcoming fashion lovers from around the world to participate in this fundraising campaign to claim this jacket as a reward for their generous pledges.
Media Contact
Company Name: J.Babylon
Contact Person: Jinfeng Zhao
Email: Send Email
Phone: +8615624119628
City: GaoMi
State: ShanDong
Country: China
Website: www.indiegogo.com/projects/j-babylon-rare-hand-painted-denim-jacket-design-clothing