Sydney, Australia – July 28, 2016 – A new commerce-only search engine called Trruster has unveiled a new concept in online search where results are based not just on keywords but also on actual customer feedback to determine page ranking.
For consumers, Trruster provides answers to the most important pre-purchase questions based on actual customer experience in an easy to read format that enables smarter purchase decisions virtually at a glance. For business, Trruster provides a new dedicated search engine to drive sales while slashing advertising costs with integrated customer satisfaction monitoring and feedback.
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/embed/J8g7mmLpFkM
“It is remarkable that in the age of information, you have to go trawling through comments and social networks to find actual customer feedback to help make a purchase decision,” says Jill Evans, Director – Marketing & Strategy at Trruster. “And most of this information cannot be trusted because it is anonymous. This is the missing link in online search and our solution represents the first major search innovation since Google killed AltaVista.”
Trruster.com overcomes the problem of trust in two key ways. Firstly, by verifying identity through a regular subscription fee and, secondly, by requiring members to provide basic socio-economic details which feed into a series of easy-to-read results gauges.
“The subscription nature of Trruster plus being able to see and analyze who and where the feedback is coming from, enables people to extend trust beyond their circle of acquaintances to potentially millions of people. We call this collective word-of-mouth which will drive sales like nothing else,” says Evans.
What makes Trruster really unique is that it creates a symbiotic relationship between vendors and consumers with vendors providing purchase discounts to Trruster members in recognition of the value of customer feedback.
“Why would people want to join and pay to give feedback? Because they can potentially save hundreds of dollars by purchasing from vendors who are part of the Trruster network. This is like the GROUPON concept on steroids,” says Evans.
“Customer feedback is critical to the health of any business, yet you would not think this was the case given the often clumsy and perfunctory customer surveys that do nothing but annoy customers. It is no wonder most people ignore feedback surveys,” says Evans.
Trruster is the ideal marketing channel for all business sectors but in particular for SMEs because of its low cost and integrated customer satisfaction monitoring and feedback management.
“Our ultimate goal is to split away goods and service searching away from the general search engines into a new dedicated channel. So when it comes to searching people use the general search engines for general information and Trruster when they want to buy, use, rent or share,” adds Evans.
“And yes, this will finally bring advertising into the information age with consumers getting the information they need not just advertising spin. Trruster puts consumers in control; this is the essence of the innovation.”
Trruster is a commerce-only, ads-free search engine that incorporates actual customer feedback and presents the results in an easy to read format so people can make smarter purchase decisions, faster. It is the go-to search engine when people are ready to buy, use, rent or share.
See http://www.trruster.com for more details
Media Contact
Company Name: TRRUSTER
Contact Person: Jill Evans
Email: nachoua72@yahoo.com
Phone: 612407497719
Country: United States
Website: http://www.trruster.com/