In a staggering statistic, nearly 26 million Americans suffer from asthma, including more than 7 million children. The chronic, often lifelong disease is not only serious, but can actually be life threatening for many. Those unfortunate to suffer with asthma can be affected daily by both natural and manmade triggers, which make breathing more difficult. Many of us assume that the majority of these triggers are encountered outdoors, but they are in fact often airborne and can (and do) infiltrate homes causing problematic and dangerous asthma attacks inside.
In excerpts of a press release written by Steven Michaels, a representative of the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA), he states that indoor air quality is a key component of healthy homes, which have taken center stage among architects and builders as part of the growing wellness movement, broadening more commonly practiced sustainability initiatives into the realm of human health. As building leaders continue to enhance best practices for wellness and air integrity in homes, asthma prevention should be prioritized, if for no other reason than the sheer number of Americans affected by it.
What triggers asthma attacks in the home?
Asthma triggers are present in the daily environment and include pollen, smoke, pet dander, dust, mold, ozone, chemicals and even changes in the weather. When an asthma sufferer breathes in a trigger, the airways respond by creating extra mucous and swelling, making breathing difficult. Not surprisingly, the American Lung Association (ALA) links asthma directly to air quality and particle pollution. The association’s recent ALA State of the Air 2017 Report found that 38.9 percent of people in the U.S. live in counties that have unhealthful levels of either ozone or particle pollution. The report also found an unrelenting increase in dangerous spikes in particle pollution. The number of people exposed to unhealthy levels of air pollution now sits at 125 million.
Particle pollution increases the risk for those afflicted when it infiltrates the home. This breach of triggers into the home occurs when the envelope lacks a proper seal. Once the triggers get inside, asthma sufferers are prone to full blown asthma attacks in a place they should feel most secure and safe from them.
Why does sealing your home matter?
One common way to prevent particle pollution infiltration in the home is by utilizing high performance building products that create air. Because asthma triggers include mold, mildew and dramatic temperature changes, an ideal home seal will act as a barrier and effective moisture, thermal and air control solution, as is achieved with spray polyurethane foam insulation. The improved air-tightness resulting from spray foam better controls indoor humidity, which can reduce the occurrence of mold and mildew. Additionally, it is extremely effective at providing energy efficiency which, in addition to providing long term energy cost savings, reduces hot and cold pockets that can be asthma inducing. Because of the insulating properties of spray polyurethane foam insulation, this thermal control is achieved with less energy demands on heating and cooling.
With thermal, moisture and air control handled, there is a significant reduced likelihood of asthma attacks, while enhancing comfort indoors.
While spray foam creates an air tight seal to prevent the infiltration of outdoor triggers, indoor triggers can be addressed with the use of an energy recovery ventilator. The ventilator enables the healthful and energy efficient exchange of stale indoor air with fresh and filtered outdoor air, working in concert with the spray foam insulation to ensure a total indoor air quality solution.
With thermal, moisture and air control handled, there is a significant reduced likelihood of asthma attacks, while enhancing comfort indoors.
“This was the solution that Ty implemented in his mom’s home and he has confirmed that it made enormous improvements to both her comfort and health,” added Riesenberg. “Frankly I found his story moving because I know people with asthma and it is terrible. Our industry really can make an important difference for these people by making smart choices. It’s really that simple.”
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